Coffee Date | July Mornings

Hey blog readers! I’ve been struggling between really wanting to blog for the sake of blogging (and not only for business), BUT not knowing which blog I should choose to do this on. I even toyed with the idea of starting a whole new blog. But I like this blog a lot and want to stay here! I don’t think this piece of my internet needs to solely be a lettering and art, so I want to share more of my regular life and random things and inspiration! So keep this URL in your blog list. Because I’m gonna be a real blogger again 🙂


Onto our coffee date! This picture is actually from a couple mornings ago, but I do have iced coffee next to me right now. P.S. Got the mug at Target! Anyways, Nate and I were up in New Hampshire for the first part of this week, relaxing by the lake, seeing friends, and reading our Bibles a lot. On this morning I was reading Colossians. I remember because the verses I read were very relevant to something going on in my friend’s life and I texted her the verse Colossians 1:11 “We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy.”

Another big part of our NH week is for catching up with our good friends and all their kiddos (the CUTEST kiddos, mind you). Whenever we see each other it’s like we never even missed a beat. I love that! When you’ve been friends for 10 years, I guess it’s bound to happen.

Nate and I took our new kayaks out on the lake for a couple rides. One of the rides being a sunrise one! We got up at 5 am to catch this beauty of a view. It was chilly outside that early, and reminded me of fall. But I promise I won’t talk too much about my favorite season until at least September 1st. Gosh, I love lakes. And sunrises. And fall.  oops 😉

I watercolored a quick little piece while sitting on the beach one morning and I used the lake water! It was a little gritty, I think I got some sand in my water cup. But I like how this painting of the lake is made with water FROM the lake! I got that idea from my great grandfather who used to paint covered bridges using the water below. Coolest idea, right! 

Welp, we’re off to the Cape for a couple nights of camping with our friends. Have a great weekend! ~S

P.S. Sorry, I’m kind of rusty at this blog-for-fun thing. It might take a few posts for me to get back to normal.

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