5 Simple Ways to Liven up Snail Mail!

I love writing and sending snail mail. Who doesn’t love a REAL letter in their mailbox! I think actual, non-junk, happy snail mail gets delivered SO few and far between. Maybe only birthdays? And wedding invitations? Let’s all agree, we need more snail mail!!


It’s always my goal to send at least one *just for fun* piece of mail a month. Usually my sister is the recipient, because I like her. My goal is always to make the envelope as fun as possible! I can’t say that my lettering writing skills are as great as my envelope decorating skills, though. Ha!

Here are a couple of my tricks for making fun, happy snail mail:

1. Fun lettering. You don’t have to be a pro at this. Do your best cursive. Or go back to your middle-school-note-passing-block-letter days. You can add polkadots around the capital letters. You can add squiggly lines below the address. It’s really, super easy and makes every letter look more fun 🙂

2. Washi tape. Go crazy with it. You can find washi tape at any craft or paper store! Or Target or Staples! So pretty much anywhere. Hashtag no excuses.

unnamed-5(heart stationery above is by Mara Mi from Target)

3. Dark envelopes with light pen ink. This is a FANCY way to send mail. Paper Source has a ton of darker colored envelope options to choose from. Then I use metallic Sharpies or Craft Smart chalk markers (you can find both at Michael’s) to make it snazzy!

4. Mix + match stamps! There are stamps to match any personality. I usually choose the flowery ones, or ones with really great typography on them. I’ll also buy a pack of 1 or 2 cent stamps (usually these are weird designs, but I like weird) and I’ll add those to the envelope to make it a little more interesting!

5. Watercolors! Splatter some watercolor all over the front of the envelope in an abstract pattern. Wait for it to dry completely before you figure out how to write in the address! It’s kind of a puzzle. Just make sure the mail guys can read the street name and zip code.

how to make snail mail fun

You have all the tools, now GO WRITE SOME LETTERS! 😉 Bye.

~ Stephanie

P.S. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite stationery options in a couple weeks!