A little about my Creative Process


I love creating. DUH, that’s why we’re here 😉  But I’m not really sure what I love more. The process – the inspiration, the daydreaming, the messing up, the aha! moment… the creating – being in the zone and being proud of what’s on my paper… or the sharing – getting to send it out into the world so all of you can see it!!

I thought it might be fun to share a little bit more about my creative process:

First, I’m usually inspired by a Bible verse or song lyric and just feel the absolute need to letter it. (Or I get a custom order request 😉 )

So, I set up my space, put on good tunes (NEED the good tunes) and grab a cup of coffee (NEED the coffee). Then I’ll start sketching out ideas for a layout in my sketchbook. It usually takes about 4 layouts to get my favorite. Once I find the layout I love, I’ll start the final version by drawing it onto a nicer piece of paper.

I usually start and finish a piece in one sitting. The only reason I’ll step away is if I have to replenish my coffee or if someone calls or something like that! I like the idea of starting and finishing in one go because it feels more complete. BUT! There are some pieces that are really long and intensive and my hand gets cramped up, so I do take a break during those ones!

Once it’s done to my satisfaction, I’ll style it up a little and snap a photo for instagram so I can share it with you all! I’ll also mention that I need really good light to work well (whether it’s natural or fake, doesn’t matter, it just needs to be bright!) So there you go!

What is your favorite part of the creative process?

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